Community Health Worker

Health Bulletin-KICK ASTHMA: Take charge and control it

Sponsoring Program Name: 
New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
This educational Bulletin is intended to provide key messages to people with asthma to help them understand and control the diseases. Messages include 1) have a regular doctor, 2) use the right medicines, 3) watch out for triggers, ) lead a healthy, active live. It's user friendly; bright and catchy with lots of pictures.

This educational Bulletin is intended to provide key messages to people with asthma to help them understand and control the diseases. Messages include 1) have a regular doctor, 2) use the right medicines, 3) watch out for triggers, ) lead a healthy, active live. It's user friendly; bright and catchy with lots of pictures.

Contact Name: 
Lorna E. Davis
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: 
Literacy Level:

Sponsoring Program Name: 
S.A.F.E. Smokefree Air For Everyone
The Smokefree Apartment House Registry at provides a free listing of non-smoking apartments which are located in non-smoking buildings. There is also information for landlords and tenants about the legality of non-smoking residential buildings. The service is free.

The Smokefree Apartment House Registry at provides a free listing of non-smoking apartments which are located in non-smoking buildings. There is also information for landlords and tenants about the legality of non-smoking residential buildings. The service is free.

Contact Name: 
Esther Schiller
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: 
Resource Category: 
Resource Type: 
Literacy Level: 

Ct State dept of health - Assthma Program

Sponsoring Program Name:
Asthma Links Handouts Coaches Daycare Clinical Statewide interventions Statewide Plan being updated now

Asthma Links Handouts Coaches Daycare Clinical Statewide interventions Statewide Plan being updated now

Contact Name: 
Elizabeth Reynolds
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: 
Literacy Level: 
