Unlocking the Power of Home-Based Asthma Services: Model Health Benefit Packages
Sponsoring Program Name
Regional Asthma Management & Prevention and National Center for Healthy Housing
Unlocking the Power of Home-Based Asthma Services: Model Health Benefit Packages equips managed care organizations (MCOs) or other healthcare payers with the information they need to improve asthma management among their enrollees by ensuring the provision of asthma home visiting services. This new resource describes the scope, staffing, and services associated with home-based asthma services that identify and address environmental asthma triggers in the home environment. The tool includes tiers of services (e.g., from a very basic set of services to more premium sets of services) to provide a range of options for payers at different levels of readiness to provide home-based asthma services and includes recommendations to support action from a range of critical stakeholders.
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