Assist Me with Inhalers - A new program Launched today for Asthma and COPD patients on iphone and ipad
PEOSH Designated Persons Indoor Air Quality Training Course
This Holiday Season Breathe Free without Wheeze!!!!!
Happy Holidays from PACNJ!
For Asthma Kids - Learn and have fun with the Engaging Animations on Asthma and Inhalers
Integrated Pest Management
How much gel bait do you provide for integrated pest management? Are there any additional supplies for cockroaches that you use?
Also, do you actually work with the family and walk them through the process of IPM by laying down the bait or give them the supplies and let them do it on their own?
What has the success rate been for eliminating cockroach infestations in the home?
Asthma Interventions and Weatherization Programs
Nancy, what kind of ventilation fixes besides dryer vents have been successful? Do you do these through weatherization programs?
reimbursement for services
Are there case studies concerning pilots and implementation of reimbursement for environmental and asthma intervention home visiting services?
Also, did the programs mentioned in the webinar rely on self reported results from home visiting program patients or medical record data for hospitalizations and ER visits as the basis for cost savings and reimbursement?
Studies about Cost Savings
Are there any studies that have validated actual savings (reduced medical costs) using insurance claims data vs. self-reported data? If so, can you share the source/reference?
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