Asthma Care Plan/Action Plan

How to use Inhalers - Interactive videos with step by step demonstration on Correct Inhaler techniques is an educational website for Patients and Professionals that teaches proper use of inhalers in an engaging, interactive way with new webcam technology of real time practice available online, iPhone and iPad.

For Health care professionals: CRCE courses, kiosk setup for patient education, patient instruction handouts and smartphone apps.

For Asthma and COPD patients - training videos, real time practice with the onscreen instructor, recording and sharing their techniques with physicians for further review and recommendation

File Attachment: 
Contact Name: 
Dr. Fiona Shetty
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: 
Literacy Level: 

Comprehensive Asthma Resource List

Asthma resource list with clinical guidelines, toolkits, mobile technology asthma resources, multimedia and multilingual patient education resources for low literacy and limited English proficient populations and smoking cessation tools.

The Association of Clinicians for the Underserved  Comprehensive Asthma Resource List has everything you need to create an an asthma care home for your patients. In one location, you can find resources including clinical guidelines, patient education and self-management materials, policy briefs, asthma reports, clinical toolkits, mobile technology and asthma information, and smoking cessation and tobacco materials.

Many of the resources are available in both English and Spanish, and some in other languages, including Chinese. Also included are a variety of multimedia tools such as videos and interactive web sites. There are even links to asthma-related training courses where continuing education credits are available.

Contact Name: 
Lois Wessel
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: 
Resource Type: 
Literacy Level: 

Get a Head Start on Asthma

Asthma education and resources to help you care for preschool children with asthma (PPTs, fact sheets, videos, curriculum, etc...)

Asthma education and resources to help you care for preschool children with asthma (PPTs, fact sheets, videos, curriculum, etc...)


Provided by the University of Minnesota School of Nursing
