Asthma Friendly School Award Program

What makes a school asthma friendly? A school is more asthma friendly when all staff work together to provide a safe and healthy school environment to reduce asthma triggers throughout the school. Learn about PACNJ's Asthma Friendly School Award Program, visit WWW.PACNJ.ORG

Literacy Level

Luchando por el Aire: The Burden of Asthma on Hispanics

Luchando por el Aire: The Burden of Asthma on Hispanics is part of the American Lung Association’s Disparities in Lung Health Series of reports, which takes an in-depth look at a specific problem in a specific community.
Resource Category

Allergy & Asthma Today magazine

Allergy & Asthma Today is the practical, family-friendly magazine for people living with asthma, allergies and other respiratory conditions. Award-winning and medically reviewed, packed with news and real-life inspiration and success stories—Allergy & Asthma Today is the ultimate resource for patients, families and healthcare providers.
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Literacy Level

Clear Your Home of Asthma Triggers: Your Children Will Breathe Easier

Sponsoring Program
This tri-fold brochure is a handy resource for parents and caretakers of children with asthma. It discusses five common environmental triggers and ways to reduce exposures to these triggers indoors. Parents can follow the step-by-step guidance to reduce asthma triggers in their homes and minimize their children's exposure to triggers that may increase the number or severity of their asthma attacks.

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