Adolescent With Asthma

Air Cleaners: Filtering Facts

Article posted in Allergy & Asthma Today Magazine, Winter 2013.

Wondering what air cleaners are all about – and if one will help your family breathe easier at home?
Healthcare professionals often recommend them; manu- facturers cite scientific data that proves their systems
remove pollutants from the air; but the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) cautions there’s no proof they actually improve users’ health.
At the same time, some AANMA members suggest any- thing that gives them even the slightest help in reducing asthma episodes is worth having. You decide. Air cleaners should play just one part of an overall strategy to reduce allergens and irritants in your home....More in the attached PDF.

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Contact Name: 
Marcela Gieminiani
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FlowBrush Asthma Surveillance Telemedicine (FAST)

The FlowBrush™ is the latest asthma monitoring technology developed to assist asthma patients. The FlowBrush Asthma Surveillance Telemedicine (FAST) is a national program helps identify asthma attacks at the earliest stages, allowing preventive measures to be implemented before expensive ER visits and hospital stays are needed.

The FlowBrush™ is a combination toothbrush and electronic spirometer. It allows people with moderate to severe, persistent asthma to measure their lung function (FEV1) each morning just after brushing their teeth. This FEV1 data is wirelessly transmitted via the Verizon national network to the FlowBrush database cloud for daily analysis.

When tracked daily, FEV1 readings can predict asthma attacks before they occur. If you or your child's FEV1 readings begin to drop, our trained asthma care coordinators will call and help you implement your asthma action plan or access medical care from nearby urgent care clinics or retail clinics.

The purpose of the FlowBrush Asthma Surveillance Telemendicine or FAST program is to help asthmatics initiate preventive care BEFORE symptoms become noticeable and expensive, emergency room or hospital care is required.

Contact Name: 
Dingane Baruti MD
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Contact Phone: 
(800) 789-0340
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How to use Inhalers - Interactive videos with step by step demonstration on Correct Inhaler techniques is an educational website for Patients and Professionals that teaches proper use of inhalers in an engaging, interactive way with new webcam technology of real time practice available online, iPhone and iPad.

For Health care professionals: CRCE courses, kiosk setup for patient education, patient instruction handouts and smartphone apps.

For Asthma and COPD patients - training videos, real time practice with the onscreen instructor, recording and sharing their techniques with physicians for further review and recommendation

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Contact Name: 
Dr. Fiona Shetty
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