FlowBrush Asthma Surveillance Telemedicine (FAST)

The FlowBrush™ is the latest asthma monitoring technology developed to assist asthma patients. The FlowBrush Asthma Surveillance Telemedicine (FAST) is a national program helps identify asthma attacks at the earliest stages, allowing preventive measures to be implemented before expensive ER visits and hospital stays are needed.
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Wee Breathers™

Wee Breathers™ is a very flexible and interactive program designed for asthma educators to reach families of pre-school-age children with asthma in their homes or in child care settings. The program consists of 7 one-hour lessons, two checklists for identifying asthma triggers in the home & in child care centers, and an instructor guide.
Literacy Level

Boston Asthma Home Visit Collaborative Video

The Boston Asthma Home Visit Collaborative provides free home visits to help families with asthma. During these home visits, they help families improve their living situations and the entire family's understanding of asthma.
For more information visit www.bphc.org/BAHVC
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