The Asthma Organizer

Your asthma, allergies and anaphylaxis guide, written by Nancy Sander. The mom who founded AANMA packs more than 30 years of experience into the Asthma Organizer: practical information, helpful exercises and resources. 65 pages.
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Literacy Level

Reducing Environmental Triggers of Asthma in the Home (RETA-Home)

This is a free, online training module/video that has been developed specifically for public health nurses and certified asthma educators, although it could be used with a broad audience. This program teaches about triggers of asthma found in homes and suggests simple interventions that can limit or eliminate exposure to these asthma triggers.
Literacy Level

Allergy & Asthma Today magazine

Allergy & Asthma Today is the practical, family-friendly magazine for people living with asthma, allergies and other respiratory conditions. Award-winning and medically reviewed, packed with news and real-life inspiration and success stories—Allergy & Asthma Today is the ultimate resource for patients, families and healthcare providers.
File Attachment
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Literacy Level

Managing Asthma in the School Environment: What NEA Members Need to Know

Managing Asthma in the School Environment: What NEA Members Need to Know is a free, 1.5 hour course that will educate NEA members (and other members of the school community such as parents, principals, superintendents, and facility managers) about asthma so that they can help students better manage their asthma while at school.
Resource Type

Clear Your Home of Asthma Triggers: Your Children Will Breathe Easier

Sponsoring Program
This tri-fold brochure is a handy resource for parents and caretakers of children with asthma. It discusses five common environmental triggers and ways to reduce exposures to these triggers indoors. Parents can follow the step-by-step guidance to reduce asthma triggers in their homes and minimize their children's exposure to triggers that may increase the number or severity of their asthma attacks.

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Target Audience

Controlando los Factores del Asma Video

Sponsoring Program
EPA ha publicado un nuevo video educativo. La EPA se esfuerza en fomentar los conocimientos sobre el rol de los factores ambientales del asma para ayudar a los que sufren de asma.
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Literacy Level

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Total Members in Action: 5114