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We coordinate care between the medical home and the school to allow administration of asthma controller medication at school by the school nurse. The goal is to help improve compliance, which in turn would reduce hospital utilization and more time in the classroom.
18 School based health centers in 5 communities in southeastern Connecticut. Provide primary care, urgent care services in elementary to high school. Provide individual, family and group asthma education.
The School District of Philadelphia, in collaboration with St. Christopher's Hospital for Children, the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, American Lung Association, PA Department of Health and other groups, developed an Asthma Management Program that serves as a district-wide guide for teachers and staff to understand their roles and responsiblities in managing asthma in schools.
NACDD''s School Health Project is committed to working to help build the capacity of Chronic Disease Directors and other health department staff involved in the health of children and youth. Its mission is to assist states and territories in reducing the risk and burden of chronic disease in school communities to promote lifelong health and to support academic success.
The School-Based Asthma Partnership supplies equipment and medication to schools for the emergency treatment of asthma episodes.
The American Medical Association's initiative focuses on reducing children's exposure to secondhand smoke, especially those with asthma.
Selah is a school district of 3,400 students serving a community of 20,000 voters.
The Community Liaison Department of South Carolina partners with community organizations to bring information to the population that will aid in the elimination of health disparities.
Self Help, Inc. has been funded to identify and remediate environmental hazards in 300 housing units in the greater Brockton community where low income children ages 0 to 10 reside and are diagnosed or at risk for environmentally related illness.
The Seminole Tribe Environmental Health Program is responsible for indoor air quality in Tribal residential homes, schools, and community buildings.
Seneca County Head Start provides quality, comprehensive services to pre-school aged children and their families, providing information and education about proper nutrition, immunizations, well child visits, and environmental health.
Seton Asthma Center serves acute and primary-care asthma patients to provide tailored, patient-specific asthma education, which teaches basic information about asthma, reviews the patient’s medications, trains patients in the use of inhalant devices.
Sheridan Asthma Education Program targets inpatient and outpatient adults and children, educating patients and their families about managing asthma.
Since 2000, SUHI and Sinai Children’s Hospital have implemented a series of six comprehensive interventions aimed to decrease asthma-related morbidity and improve the quality of life of inner-city children with asthma and their families.
The Smoke-Free Housing Coalition of Maine has a mission to protect residents in multi-unit buildings from involuntary exposure to secondhand smoke. We provide technical assistance to landlords, tenants, property management companies and public health professionals in designing and advocating for the implementation of smoke-free policies in multi-unit and residential rental buildings.
The Sonoma County Asthma Coalition's mission is to work with key stakeholders to improve the quality of life of people affected by asthma and to advocate for policies to minimize the impact of asthma in Sonoma County.
The South Bronx Asthma Partnership (SOBRAP) is a coalition of more than 50 organizations dedicated to decreasing the burden of asthma in the South Bronx.
South Bronx Rising Together is a collaborative network of program providers and community stakeholders. This group will work together to create a community that is college and career ready by leveraging the expertise of a network of families, educators, business leaders, community advocates and service providers to support the lifelong success of families and youth in the community. We have five Collaborative Action Networks that meet monthly to work on projects specific to each goal. Goal #1- All are Healthy is focused on reducing the rates of asthma related ER visits and hospitalizations in children who live in Community District 3 in the South Bronx.
The South Carolina Asthma Alliance is a statewide resource for the advancement of asthma care.
We are a CAP weatherization program looking for partnerships in a Health Homes program. We would like asthma control to be a large portion of our efforts.

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