Community Health Worker Credentialing

As CHWs become a more significant part of the healthcare workforce, states have taken a variety of approaches to supporting and regulating this group. This report by Harvard Law School's Center for Health Law & Policy Innovation is designed to review some of the major policies in different states and highlight some of the issues that arise in these programs. There is no single right approach. With sufficient stakeholder engagement, each state can develop policies tailored for its community.
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New Research: Trends in racial disparities for asthma outcomes among children

Different types of data analysis tell different stories about asthma disparities in children. This study analyzed trends in racial disparities using both traditional population-based rates and at-risk rates. Population-based data methods found disparities in asthma prevalence among black children over time and asthma-related deaths increased. However, the at-risk analysis found the same racial disparities remained the same or decreased, suggesting that despite a growing asthma prevalence among black children compared to white children, progress has been made in addressing racial disparities in asthma outcomes.
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Medicaid Reimbursement for Community-Based Prevention

This questionnaire created by Nemours is designed to prepare advocates to engage in a dialogue with their state Medicaid officials about pursuing this new option.
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Medicaid: A Primer – Key Information on the Nation’s Health Coverage Program for Low-Income People

The Affordable Care Act expands Medicaid significantly. This primer, from Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured, examines how the Medicaid program is structured, who it covers, what services it provides, how it is financed and how much it costs. It also provides an overview of how Medicaid will change under the health reform law.
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