Wood Smoke and Asthma Public Service Announcements

Sponsoring Program
EPA’s Burn Wise program has developed the following public service announcements (PSAs) to promote cleaner wood-burning. The videos highlight the health effects related to PM exposure from residential wood smoke. These PSAs are free to use for air quality agencies, chimney sweeps, hearth retailers and others who want to promote the Burn Wise message.
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Boston Asthma Home Visit Collaborative Video

The Boston Asthma Home Visit Collaborative provides free home visits to help families with asthma. During these home visits, they help families improve their living situations and the entire family's understanding of asthma.
For more information visit www.bphc.org/BAHVC
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Discussion about Reducing the Burden of Asthma with NHLIB, EPA and CDC Panelists

36-minute panel discussion about reducing the burden of asthma. The discussion is hosted by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute in partnership with the Environmental Protection Agency, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Impact DC.
Panelists provide insights into ways for parents and caregivers to help their children control asthma symptoms.
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Literacy Level

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