Certified Asthma educators from the asthma management program at Children's Mercy Family Health Partners form relationships with primary care physicians to help them implement comprehensive asthma management in their offices, leading to improved patient health and reduced costs for patients and their families in Kansas City.
The Children's Asthma Program aims to reduce school absenteeism and ER/urgent care visits through education for parents and children, primary care providers, school nurses, and others.
Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU’s You Can Control Asthma Now (UCAN) community asthma program helps children who live in the Richmond, Virginia, metropolitan area where both asthma and poverty rates are disproportionately high.
Capacity building, with sustainable, culturally competent education and outreach to at-risk families in Chicago's Chinatown on secondhand smoke and asthma.
Founded in 2005 from a grant from the WI asthma coalition to address higher incidence of ER visits and hospitalizations related to asthma in our community, especially in the 0-4 age group.
The Chitimacha Tribe of Louisiana operates a full service Community Health Center staffed with a physician, nurses, pharmacist, dietician, dentist,etc.
Community Environmental Health Initiative. The age range of the participants is 5-10 years old for elementary school participants. Activities focus on asthma - education, access to quality asthma care and changing lifestyles. The goal is to create awareness of the risk factors for asthma and identify items in the home that trigger asthma attack and avoid them.
Christopher D. Redding Youth Asthma Foundation "Leveling the Playing Field for Athletes with Asthma"
The Program will provide asthma management education for youth, families, and athletic personnel; scholarships; asthma control devices; and recreational facilities for youth, with a focus on youth in athletic settings.
The Asthma program uses a holistic, interdisciplinary approach to help children and their families move through the challenges of asthma when traditional outpatient management has not led to adequate control. We work closely with our community partners and physicians to sustain a healthy lifestyle in all aspects of the child’s life.
Legal services office for low-income people that has a pediatric medical-legal partnership with Cincinnati Children's Hospital, Child HeLP: http://www.cincinnatichildrens.org/service/g/gen-pediatrics/services/child-help/?WT.mc_id=101029&utm_campaign=Gen-Community-Pediatrics&utm_content=Cincinnati-Child-Health-Law-Partnership&utm_medium=Web-Print&utm_source=Multiple
We are School Based Health Centers serving Cincinnati Public School students and their families with primary care in the school setting. We work in collaboration with the Cincinnati Public Schools Community Learning Centers.
The City of Independence's goal is to provide asthma education to every child and staff person in the school system.
The City of Milwaukee's Home Environmental Health Program includes Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention, Primary Lead Prevention, Healthy Homes (via HUD), and Asthma Prevention.
IAQ assessments linked to physician requests to identify triggers and identify needs of clients.
After a fatal asthma attack claimed the life of their 10 year old daughter, the Bogans created the “Claudia Rose Asthma Foundation”, a non-profit organization that raises funds through charity events to support finding a cure for asthma.
Clean Air Council works in medically under-served communities of Philadelphia to educate asthmatics, caregivers, and parents about indoor and outdoor environmental triggers and connects them with free or low-cost health and asthma management services.
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Our Newest Program: Kentucky Asthma Management Program
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