OPAE is a non-profit member organization that provides energy and weatherization services and advocacy to low and moderate income population in Ohio.
The Oklahoma Asthma Initiative is a coalition of individuals and organizations working together to improve the health outcomes for Oklahomans affected by asthma.
The Center for Managing Chronic Disease and Dr. Alan Baptist conducted a series of focus groups to uncover common issues that older adults face in managing their asthma. From these focus groups, a pilot intervention tailored for older adults was developed and will be evaluated through a randomized controlled trial design utilizing an intervention group and a usual care control group.
Olive View-UCLA Adult Asthma Disease Management Program serves patients in the Los Angeles County, San Fernando Valley cluster who are medically indigent and frequently have little or no access to primary care.
Primary Care Pediatric Clinic, 5 providers
We are a children's environmental health organization.
Safety net provider of community health care that provides the patient with environmental assessment, personal risk assessment, and quality asthma care.
Open Airways is an asthma management program for children grades 3-5.
In-home asthma education by nurses who are certified asthma educators.
Open Airways for School empowers children in grades 3-5 to manage their asthma through an interactive teaching curriculum that brings together children with asthma, their families, and school personnel.
Six, 50 minute, lesson program designed to help 3-5 grades students learn how to manage their asthma, recognize asthma signs and symptoms, and proper medication administration.
The program empowers children, ages 8-11 (grades 3-5), to manage their asthma through an interactive teaching curriculum that brings together children with asthma, their families, and school personnel. It teaches children to detect asthma-warning signs, deal with asthma triggers, and prevent or reduce symptoms. Children learn to lead healthy, active lives unencumbered with the burden of asthma.
Elementary school children can learn to manage their own asthma when they participate in the American Lung Association's award-winning Open Airways For Schools program.
Opportunity Council's Healthy Homes program brings together indoor air quality education, asthma trigger reduction, and weatherization and home repair.
Healthy Homes is a free home visiting program for families that helps them take control of their child’s asthma.
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Our Newest Program: Kentucky Asthma Management Program
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Total Members in Action: 5114