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Working to start a new asthma program within the next month.
The mission of the New England Asthma Regional Council is to reduce the impact of asthma through collaborations with health, housing, education, and environmental organizations in New England.
The mission of the New Haven Health Department Asthma Prevention and Management Program is to reduce morbidity and mortality from asthma, decrease the number of missed work and school days as the result of asthma symptoms, and improve quality of life for people with asthma in New Haven.
New Mexico Council on Asthma’s (NMCOA) mission and vision is to reduce asthma health disparities and improve the quality of life for all people with asthma in New Mexico by coordinating statewide efforts, bringing together community organizations and others to achieve sustainable statewide changes in the environment, education and quality of health care as they relate to asthma.
The New Mexico Asthma Control Program is funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Environmental Health. Since 2001 we have been partnering with communities statewide to reduce the asthma burden.
NYCAP aims to develop and advance a plan for asthma prevention and control in New York by bringing together a diverse group of organizations and individuals who will share information, resources, studies and findings related to asthma, and improve policies and practices of systems known to influence asthma.
The New York City Childhood Asthma Initiative (NYCCAI), overseen by the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, is a comprehensive effort to improve the management and treatment of childhood asthma among urban, low income, Hispanic/Latino and Black/African-American residents in New York.
The NYS Asthma Program is implemented through an internal cross agency infrastructure focusing on surveillance, health care delivery and quality, community based initiatives and environmental and occupational health; and through the Asthma Partnership of New York, a public/private collaboration with the NYSDOH, New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, the CDC and key statewide and national stakeholders
The New York State (NYS) Healthy Neighborhoods Program (HNP) seeks to reduce the burden of housing related illness, and asthma in particular, through a holistic healthy homes approach and strategic partnerships with clinical services. Five key features distinguish the program. The NYS HNP:
The NH Asthma Control Program forms collaborative partnerships, launches public awareness and education campaigns, and conducts surveillance to improve the health status and quality of life for people with asthma.
State of NH Division of Public Health Asthma Control Program
The NHBP Health Department will create a plan for asthma intervention after determining baseline data.
The primary goal of the Asthma & Pulmonary Education at New Hanover Health Network (NHHN) is to provide comprehensive care for patients with asthma and pulmonary-related disorders, including diagnostic evaluation, self-management planning and education, and monitoring.
Learn More Breathe Better® is a national health education program that aims to bring greater visibility to lung health by translating research for public and professional education programs. It also coordinates the Breathe Better Network.
NJDHSS AAEP coordinates efforts to increase the capacity of the State to address asthma, its causes, and complications to reduce the burden of asthma.

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