The goal/mission is to help children understand what triggers their asthma & allergies and to bring awareness though books, games, live readings at their local schools, childcare center, group homes, and homeless shelters.
The Asthma Alliance consists of 10 corporate sponsors and 63 individual members providing annual screening of Head Start applicants, conducting educational programs targeting schools, hosting community awareness events, providing asthma referral and smoking cessation services, and more.
Asthma Allies improves the quality of life for individuals affected by asthma by raising awareness; providing evidence-based education ; addressing disparity and access issues; and encouraging comprehensive asthma self-management through a team approach.
The Asthma and Allergy Center of Chicago is the leading independent respiratory clinical research site in Chicago. It offers comprehensive non-research and research-based asthma and respiratory disease programs.
The Asthma & Allergy Foundation of America, New England Chapter is a non-profit, voluntary organization dedicated to the control and cure of asthma and allergic diseases through educational and training programs, public awareness, advocacy and support for research.
The Asthma and Allergy Foundation, Alaska Chapter improves the quality of life for those with asthma and allergies through support, advocacy and education.
The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, Michigan Chapter provides accurate and reliable information and programs to assist patients, families, schools, health care staff, and employers better understand the nature, scope, treatment, and course of asthma and allergies through formal education and training, informal lectures, and community outreach.
The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, St. Louis Chapter provides asthma and allergy care to help individuals control their asthma and allergies in order to lead lives without limitation.
Founded in 1981, AAFA, ST. Louis provides disadvantaged children with life-saving asthma and allergy medications, equipment, education and support.
The Asthma and Allergies Health Observance Package (HOP) is part of a nationwide public health science education project - the HOPE Partnership. It is designed to enhance the general public's scientific literacy and to improve public understanding of the biomedical and health-related sciences and the impact of research on human health.
Asthma and CINCH Allergy (A2) School Nurse Expert Program’s goal is to improve the management of asthma among school age children by increasing the number of school nurses who are certified asthma educators and developing a collaborative leadership network.
We synthesize relevant science for use in policy-focused conversations that we convene, engaging multiple stakeholders.
I am a student doing research learning program development. My topic is childhood asthma.
To educate children with asthma about the importance of detection and control, due to Reduce the frequency and severity of asthmatic episodes through increased decision-making skills, self management practices and appropriate use of asthma medication
We provide in home education and an environmental assessment to identify triggers and ways to reduce those triggers.
Educate children and caretakers in the home and teach about asthma action plans, triggers, respiratory tools and strategies for dealing with asthma, medications and their role, premedication. All visits are a signed order by a PT primary doctor and caregivers' consent.
The HealthPlus HealthQuest Asthma educational program provides basic asthma training sessions for your office staff.
We are an asthma clinic within a primary care clinic. We have a multidisciplinary team of NP, CHW's, social work, MLP and public health interns.
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