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Amherst Pediatric Associates has regularly scheduled visits with Dr. Charles Francemone to consult on reducing exacerbation of asthma or reactive airways disease among patients.
Mission: The Arizona Asthma Coalition will serve as a catalyst to decrease the burden of asthma in Arizona through awareness, advocacy and education. Vision: To eliminate deaths from asthma.
One of the most important things we can do to protect our children's future is make sure they grow up in a healthy natural environment. Because children are especially vulnerable to the unhealthy effects of pollution, the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality has initiated the Children's Environmental Health Project to integrate children's health concerns into our state's environmental protection efforts.
The Arizona Department of Health Services' Asthma Program improves the lives of people with asthma through partnership and collaboration with asthma coalitions, the development of an asthma surveillance system, and other initiatives statewide.
Support property managers in creating smoke free multi family housing.
Testing the usability of Mobile Technology and Online Tools to Improve Asthma Control in Adolescents. This project will fully develop and preliminarily validate CampAir, an empirically-based dynamic e-health intervention (based on the evidence-based ASMA) to assist adolescents with uncontrolled asthma to learn how to manage their illness and improve their asthma control.
3C Institute conducts social behavioral research to develop and deliver effective, evidence-based products.
The Association of Clinicians for the Underserved performs outreach to clinicians who work with the underserved.
Asthma Safari is a fun-filled learning adventure for young asthma patients and their families taking them on a journey through the jungle where colorful animal characters teach them about managing their disease.
The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA) is a national network dedicated to providing community-based education, outreach, advocacy and research that facilitates partnerships between patients and their healthcare professionals to effectively manage asthma and allergies.
A non-profit organization, the Asthma & Allergy Foundation of America, Texas Chapter educates patients, caregivers, healthcare providers and the community about how to manage and control asthma and allergies.
The Asthma & Allergy Foundation of America, California Chapter is dedicated to improving the quality of life of people with asthma and allergies through treatment, advocacy, community outreach, and education to the underserved.
The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, Greater Kansas City Chapter, (AAFA-KC) is committed to enhancing and saving the lives of asthma and allergy sufferers through support, advocacy, education, research and access to treatment.
ASTHMA 101 will teach you and your family basics about asthma, respiratory anatomy, peak flow meters, triggers, medications, management and more! This class is recommended for adults with asthma and for parents of asthmatic children. This is a FREE class, and dinner is included! Classes are offered four times per year on Mondays at Parkview Medical Center in Pueblo, CO. Please call Gina at (719) 595-7146 to register!
Asthma 411 is a school-based initiative developed and evaluated to reduce morbidity due to asthma. The project began in 2001 when the St. Louis Regional Asthma Consortium was awarded one of eight Controlling Asthma in American Cities Project (CAAC) grants from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Asthma 411 is composed of a variety of key elements or strategies that a school can

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