Pre-School ER Data
Pre-school age children with asthma have a higher rate of ER visits and hospitalization than school age children. Do you have data for that age group?
NIH Guidelines: Control of Environmental Factors and Comorbid conditions that affect Asthma
Exposure of patients who have asthma to allergens to which they are sensitive has been shown to increase asthma symptoms and precipitate asthma exacerbations.
For patients with persistent asthma, the clinician should evaluate the potential role of allergens, particularly indoor inhalant allergens. Use in-vitro testing or skin testing to reliably determine sensitivity to perennial indoor inhalant allergens to which the patient is exposed.
*Has this component of the guideline been addressed?
ED/Hospitalization Reduction
What was the reduction in hospitalization and ED percent based on, i.e. 56% reduction of their own history or was there a comparison group who did not receive the intervention?
average home remediation costs
what were the average home remediation costs per patient, and what did they include?
(mold, IPM, etc)
spirometry outcomes
What was the spirometry criterion - annual, or ever done?
Charging Resp. Therapist
Are dr offices/ clinics, etc able to charge for a respiratory therapist to do asthma education?
Adult Asthma Programs
Children with poorly controled asthma have grown up to be adults with poorly controled asthma. What programs have been available for adults? Adults with poorly controled asthma have a greater cost in health care, lost days of work, etc. they also have children that are likely to have asthma who are looking to their parents on how to manage their asthma. This is why i ask about adult programs.
Cultural Competence
Please address how cultural competence is reflected in your approach and in what ways, if any, you incorporate CHWs into your asthma program.
Impacts per State
Did HCSC or ALAUM look into any difference in impacts of childhood asthma across the states addressed?
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