ALAUM Partnerships
I see that ALAUM has partnered with health providers at more than 60 clinics. Can you briefly ellaborate on some of these partnerships and which ones were most successful/why?
I see that ALAUM has partnered with health providers at more than 60 clinics. Can you briefly ellaborate on some of these partnerships and which ones were most successful/why?
I recently had a question from a fellow asthma educator in NY concerning the scope of practice limitations for CHWs in regard to instruction on asthma medication device usage in her state. She stated that instruction on medication device usage is limited to licensed professionals in NY. This would include instruction on how to use a spacer with an MDI. In New York, this can only be done by a licensed RN, RT, PA, NP, MD, pharmacist, etc.
Are the CHWs give individualized information regarding triggers for the patients? We are recommending SPT or Specific IgE blood testing in the development of pathways. Has anyone else incorporated such a measure?
The Energy Coordinating Agency of Philadelphia is becoming increasingly interested in Wx+Health programming that integrates repairs, treatments of health threats, and other services outside the scope of our energy retrofits.
What benefits did you see with the weatherization program?
How do the programs in New England and Seattle pay for IPM? And what does an IPM visit cost in other places beyond NYC where this service is still prohibitively expensive?
Would be great to hear how other cities, groups are handling IPM.
Thank you!
For Dr. Gelser, How do providers pay for the BEST Program (automated unit)? or is this a collobarative effort? other details would be very much appreciated. Thank you for this great presentation.
What tool do the CHW use to measure quality of life and how do they collect their data?
Thank you for the information. How is the SF 12 survey scored? Are there ranges that determine if quality of life is acceptable. Or do you just look for changes in the scores when you give them the survey periodically?
I work in a university hospital, and we have a very small clinic that operates with a very poor population. We have many schools that would benefit from having an outreach opportunity. What have been the best tools to get involved in the schools, and what kind of funding have you had?
Our Newest Program: Kentucky Asthma Management Program