The Greater Baltimore Asthma Alliance is a community partnership of individuals and organizations with an interest in asthma that is dedicated to coordinating efforts around asthma, increasing the quality of asthma care, improving the environment, and connecting families to asthma resources.
The Self Help, Incorporated Healthy Homes Program reaches out to minority families to connect them with proper services through community education and awareness and advocates on a state and national level for proper and newer asthma guidelines.
The Greater Cleveland Asthma Coalition (GCAC) provides a central forum for asthma information exchange and collaboration on asthma projects to improve the quality of life of individuals affected by asthma.
The Greater Kansas City Asthma/COPD Coalition covers the urban core of Kansas City, as well as eight counties in the surrounding area. The coalition works to develop and distribute resource materials and conduct outreach education to health care providers.
GHHI provides an innovative approach to addressing substandard housing by braiding together categorically separate but mission-related funding and programs, and by leveraging federal, state, local and philanthropic resources to create healthy, lead-safe and energy efficient homes across America. Launched in partnership with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the White House Office of Community Initiatives in 2009, GHHI is effectively transforming the housing intervention system at the local level.
Based on models from around the country, Buffalo’s Green and Healthy Homes Initiative aligns and coordinates public and private funding sources and programs for weatherization, lead hazard control, asthma control, and other home health and safety interventions in low income homes. Homes with vulnerable populations such as children and seniors will be given priority. Under the green and healthy model, comprehensive whole-house solutions replace a piecemeal approach that has been based more on government silos than on the needs of children and families.
Our Healthy Homes programs have worked on Asthma and other housing related health issues including the Advancing Safe and Healthy Homes Initiative funded by the Kresge foundation and most recently the EPA EJCPS collaborative.
GTB Steps Program enables communities to reduce the burden of chronic disease, including asthma. clinics and mobile units provide holistic health care and preventive services to reduce morbidity and mortality and increase access to proper standards of care.
To address the asthma crisis in the Central Harlem, Harlem Children’s Zone, Inc. and the Department of Pediatrics at Columbia University-Harlem Hospital Center (HHC) launched the Harlem Children’s Zone Asthma Initiative (HCZAI) to reduce asthma morbidity through improved health care utilization for children with asthma aged 0-12 living in the HCZ Project.
Asthma home visiting program in connection with 2 other agencies and funded by grants. AE-C and CHW do home visiting at ED and/or hospitalized asthmatic children. Provide asthma education, visual inspection and environmental supplies.
Hartford Asthma Call to Action Taskforce is a coalition of service-providing agencies, educational institutions and grassroots organizations.
Population based asthma disease management for members insured by HPHC.
The Hawaii Asthma Initiative is a broad-based, multi organizational, statewide community collaborative whose goal is to bring the public and private sectors together in an effort to increase the quality and years of healthy life for people impacted by asthma, and to eliminate health disparities in Hawaii.
Hawaii COPD Coalition provides free lung testing at local pharmacies via monthly clinics, as well as smoking cessation counseling and monthly support groups.
Head Start Learning Tree is a federally funded Head Start program for preschool children from low income families. We currently service 806 children at 15 centers located in West, Southwest, and South Philadelphia.
The Head-off Environmental Asthma in Louisiana (HEAL), Phase II Project is a multi-component pediatric asthma management program that focuses on improving asthma among children receiving care at three federal qualified health center (FQHC) in New Orleans.
The Health & Wellness Alliance for Children (the Alliance), is a collaborative initiative of community leaders to collectively improve the health and wellness outcomes of children in Dallas, Texas. The Alliance focuses on improving community health by influencing factors outside of hospital care, including the social determinants of health and preventative care. The Alliance uses a “collective impact” approach that facilitates the alignment of many players within the community to form a common agenda for change around children’s health. The initial focus has been on children’s asthma. While Children’s Health Sytem of Texas (formerly Children's Medical Center) has served as the catalyst for this effort, the Alliance is comprised of and led by a cross-section of Dallas community stakeholders committed to children’s health.
(TIGN) Temple Israel of Great Neck. Our newly established Health Advisory is promoting wellness within our community. A goal of ours is to educate the community and establish safety guidelines for the children in our schools (Preschool to High) in the areas of Food Allergies and Asthma.
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Our Newest Program: Kentucky Asthma Management Program
Total Programs in Action: 1101
Total Members in Action: 5114